SMS 1711 Circle.
Your donation will help us to ensure no one living with SMS feels isolated or alone. Together, we can help to connect families, raise awareness and build futures.
Donating on a regular basis is beneficial for you as it allows you to budget your support. You can spread the cost over a long period, paying smaller amounts on a monthly basis, while still significantly contributing to the vital work of the SMS Foundation.
What is the SMS 1711 Circle?
The SMS 1711 Circle is our regular giving club comprised of our dedicated supporters who donate monthly or quarterly to our cause. A regular donation could help us to pay for the future of our services, and help us connect families, raise awareness and build futures for everyone living with SMS.
Why 1711?
We have chosen the symbolic 1711 to represent the 17p11.2 gene, referring to the specific piece of genetic material missing from chromosome 17 that leads to an SMS diagnosis. We ask our donors to commit to £7.11 or £17.11 to symbolise our fight to fund better research for the syndrome and supporting our cause to ensure every person with SMS shall have a fulfilling life within a supportive and understanding community.

The Foundation shall be at the heart of our community for those living and working with SMS and we will be the first point of contact for those seeking information and support. Your donations help to make this a reality. Thank you.